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Luke 17

Bro Ernesto Facun Jr.

"Remember to say Thank You!"

“Ungrateful people expect, even demand, good things with no gratitude in return. However, grateful men and women are humbled and give God the glory for His blessings. Those who least expect the Lord's generous love are the most grateful people.”

We might be asking ourselves these questions.

• When will be this pandemic end?

• What would the world look like after pandemic?

Many of us, if not all of us, are looking forward to the end of this pandemic (to have rest) so that we can resume our normal routines.

Bro. Ernesto emphasized the need of seeking the true REST found in our Lord.

Mark 6:31 - “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.

Our Lord Jesus is extending a special REST to his disciple after a long day of preaching. They were GRATEFUL for the fruitful outcome of their preaching. They only saw the result of their preaching, not the obstacles and hardships they faced.

Why this subject (Be Grateful) important?

Being grateful allows us to focus on the things we do have rather than the things we don't.

Bro. Ernesto was moved to tears as he shared his story of how grateful he is to God for giving him a chance to live. Bro. Ernesto was sick for about three weeks, isolating himself and enabling him to ponder about and reflect on God's word.

give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 518)

Thankfulness is more than just an emotion or a thought; we must also take action to make it a reality. If we are to follow God's will, we must be grateful in all circumstances.

Paul is encouraging us to give thanks in all circumstances. No matter how difficult things are in our lives, we can find a reason to thank God.

We see a reflection and an example of gratitude in Luke 17. A Samaritan who comes to Jesus to express his gratitude for the blessings and goodness he has received.


Let us not imagine ourselves joining the other nine lepers (from the ten lepers) at some point in the future. We preached and declared that we are the Lord's brother (Christadelphian), BUT we are worse because we are unthankful.

“We need to learn how to appreciate little and important things in life as a believer”

One of the most important reasons to be grateful to God is that he has called us and given us hope - that we will get the crown of righteousness, which is eternal life.

Bro. Ernesto referred to Ephesians 4, which portrays believers' attitudes.

Ephesians 4:32
 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

All of these attitudes are gifts from God for which we must be grateful.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. (Colossians 3:15)

We must live in peace because we are not supposed to live in a state of violence. Paul reminds us of the importance of loving and supporting one another among our brethren (Body).

Bro. Ernesto concludes by asking,

"What important lesson does the reading hold for us?"

We ought to be grateful, God does not demand to thank Him BUT He is pleased when we do so. He uses our responsiveness to teach us more about Himself and to our Lord Jesus Christ.


Theme: Luke 17

Speaker: Ernesto Facun Jr.

Summarized by: Bible Education Center - CDO

For more videos of Studies and Exhortations visit : BEC YOUTUBE CHANNEL

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