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BEC News Letter

Bohol Pastoral Visits

Despite the unexpected circumstances we have all faced over recent months, God's grace has been present for us in a variety of ways. The Bible Education Center (BEC) has always been grateful to all of the brothers and sisters who have assisted us financially and spiritually. Bohol was one of the provinces in Mindanao that was severely impacted by Typhoon Odette last year. The BEC team did not hesitate to assist our fellow brothers and sisters who were affected by the typhoon, sending two of our committee from Valencia to assess the situation and provide urgent financial assistance to the families affected.

BEC News Letter

Kalilangan Ecclesia Family Reunion

Kalilangan Ecclesia held its First Family Reunion on January 15-16, 2022, at the Kinura ecclesial hall in Kalilangan. A total of 120 people attended, including Elders, young people, and Sunday school students. The main theme of the event was taken from 1 Corinthians 12: "One Body, Many Members."

BEC News Letter

Cebu and Bohol Pastoral Visits

Typhoon Rai (local name Odette) entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility on 14th December rapidly intensified to a Category 5 typhoon, with peak winds up to 235km/hr. It made nine landfalls between 16 and 17 December in the provinces of Dinagat Islands, Surigao del Norte, Southern Leyte, Bohol, Cebu, and Negros Oriental Overnight, the Typhoon left thousands of families homeless, placing them at risk some of the impressive social and economic gains made since recovering from the fallout of the COVID-19the pandemic of the past two years. .....

BEC News Letter

3rd Quarter 2021

It has been almost 2 years since we have been restricted from meeting face to face in fellowship, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has been a challenge from the beginning. Infection rates remain high in the Philippines and government-funded vaccination campaigns have been limited. Sadly some of our members have succumbed to the virus over the past year.

BEC News Letter

2nd Quarter 2021

Today we are living in challenging times. Our lives have been adversely affected to varying degrees by the pandemic that is sweeping the world, frequently resulting in sadness, stress, loneliness and disappointment in our pilgrimage.....

BEC News Letter

1st quarter 2021

The year 2020 has brought many trials and challenges in our preaching and pastoral work at the BECs as well as in our personal pilgrimage to the Kingdom.

BEC News Letter

Quarter 3 of 2020

“But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things” Mark 13:23 was the response of the Master to his disciples as they departed from the temple in Jerusalem...

BEC News Letter

Quarter 2 of 2020

The last quarter has certainly brought unprecedented trouble and suffering on the world as we know it. In the Philippines, the pandemic has resulted in
over 30,000 cases to date and has resisted...

BEC News Letter

Quarter 1 of 2020

There are many people all around us who need to be exposed to the gospel of truth and have it explained to them so that they can believe and obey it. Our task is like that of Paul and Apollos,

BEC News Letter

August 2019 – December 2019

What are the things that keep us busy nowadays? How do we use and value our time? Signs and wonders are abundantly evident, telling us that the day of our Lord’s return is near. Since

BEC News Letter

August 2019 – December 2019

The word of the Lord came to Solomon after the children of Israel completed the building of His house saying “ As for this temple you are building, if you follow my decrees, observe my laws and keep

BEC News Letter

JANUARY 2019 – MARCH 2019

Preaching the gospel is both a duty and a wonderful privilege for a believer. It is an opportunity to share to the meek and lowly the “unsearchable riches in Christ”. Christ set

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