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Philippine Sunday School Welfare Distribution

The goal of the Bible Education Center - Philippines is to help young people make the greatest decisions for themselves, their families, and their communities. We stand with those who are working to expand the Children's Welfare Organization in the Philippines.

BEC Philippines has been actively partnering with some of the local brothers and sisters in the area for the past several years to continue to assist the spiritual needs of the Sunday School students. When the pandemic struck the country, many of our Sunday school children' families were severely impacted. Most of them have lost their jobs, and those who own small businesses have struggled to make ends meet, forcing them to eat on an irregular basis.

Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation with the help of Bible Education Center - Philippines have extended help in the families of these students. The team has distributed meal packs or grocery items that is worth of 200 pesos to every student. During these difficult times, WCF and BEC have continued to assist our various Sunday School regions in the Philippines. More than 200 kids in Kalilangan, Mailag, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Bataan, and Quezon City have benefited from their support.

The best things in life are that, despite the difficulties these students faced, they remained grateful for

what they had and continued to share whatever they had. God will always provide as long as we sincerely ask Him to supply us with His meticulous direction through the works of those who are willing to aid those who are in need.

Remembering the words of Apostle Paul to the Romans:

" Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Rom 12:12)

We'll continue to be joyful, patient, and faithful for we know that the sure hope will soon be realize in its proper season.

Through our wide range of enrichment programs, we are prominently thankful for the Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation together with the help of the Bible Education Center - Philippines in instilling the Godly-mindset into our individual students. We value respect, responsibility, and spiritual mindset; that comes with sharing and being grateful - and go above and beyond to cultivate these values into the minds of our community’s youth.

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