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Kalilangan Sunday School Prizegiving

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

There are usually a lot of regular activities going on in different parts of Mindanao, and we understand how hard it may be to keep up with it all. Kalilangan Sunday School Prizegiving is here to provide you one of those reads and watch!

Following strict guidelines, Kalilangan was able to organize their Sunday School Prize Giving. Each student was overjoyed with their many gifts. Some students received their new teddy bears together with their food parcels, as shown in the photo. Amidst the pandemic, everything is colorful and fun!

The following are some of the areas' dedicated and local teachers:

(upper left to right) Bro Jonifer, Sisters: Desiree, Jessica, Ailyn, Jessa, Angelica, and Aleah 

(bottom left to right) Bre. Andrei and Reden
(included those teachers that aren't in the photo)

We are grateful for the assistance provided by the WCF (Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation) and the Bible Education Center - Philippines in keeping us all on track, despite the virus's worldwide devastation. Even the storms on the highest peaks or the waves on the furious ocean may be defeated by being calm and having trust in Jesus' words, as Jesus taught his disciples.

Allowing God to mold the outcomes of your acts is what it means to "let God". The rewards will be immense if you choose to work hard and persevere to the end.

May we always have a growing wisdom that recognizes God's benefits and providence, and may we never forget to enhance and apply our talents to others when God gives us the ability to teach and serve.

Hebrews 13:16: And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

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