The Bible: Guidebook for Life
John Isaac Cruz
A "Guidebook" is a book that contains instructions. It can help us all adopt a sound and step-by-step approach into completing a task. We have it as well in Christian tradition, which we refer to as the Bible.
These are the following outline to be discussed for today, prepared and given by Bro John Isaac:
What is the Bible?
Why was it considered "holy"?
Why is it important to study the Bible?
How do we navigate the Bible?
How can we understand the Bible's message?
There are examples of a guidebook given by the local participants during the session.
Examples are:
Instruction Manual
Recipe Book/Cook book
Map; and
Student Handbook
But today, what John has emphasized is his way of distinguishing the Bible from the other guidebooks. John mentioned, "Other books bring only knowledge. But the Bible brings salvation, it brings life." Written in 2 Timothy 3:16 is that, "all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for ;
correction, and
for training in righteousness
But what does a Christadelphian advised the readers on how to navigate the Bible?
As we are of completely aware that the Bible is composed of 66 books: 39 books in the old and 27 books in the New Testament. (In his presentation John Isaac had instructed us on how to navigate the Bible.)
We need to read/study the Bible regularly. (Psalm 119:103-105)
The Bible itself is the best interpreter. Some parts of the Bible helps us understand other parts. (Lk 24:25-27)
We need to ask questions. Write down questions as you read through the Bible.
The primary used of a guidebook (Bible) is to simply guide those people who read them, those people who is often searching for answers and ways on how to possibly make things simple (not easier). Perhaps, these are materials that will progressively protect us from any potential casualties if we just completely employ them.
Theme: The Bible: Guidebook For Life Speaker: John Isaac Cruz Summarized by: Bible Education Center - CDO For more videos of Studies and Exhortations visit : BEC YOUTUBE CHANNEL