Bro Dom Soriano
Meno is a word of very frequent occurrence. It's simple meaning is "abide" in the sense of "dwell, or stay in a house."
In the writings of John he mentioned the word "abide" a lot of times. Dom mentioned some of the Christadelphian writings, that John wanted to convey the "close spiritual fellowship", into which it is the result of being in the "same house" with the Father and the son and the brethren.
There are a lot of passages into which the characters of the Bible emphasized the word abide in many different ways. One character mentioned was Paul. Remembering Paul (the aged and who would clearly loved to retire) writing his converts into showing his continual care (abiding) to them.
The term "abide" can be traced back to a number of Greek terms. Dom mentioned those seven words, each with a different meaning but the same perspective. These words are:
Hupomeno - to continue in hardship or suffering
Epimeno - quite literally, "stay upon"
Parameno - "prolong my stay"
Emmeno - "continue", "stay in"
Perimeno - "wait around"
Prosmeno - "implies abiding for the sake of continuity face to face with someone."
Diameno - "sometimes emphasizes continuance without end
"God has "diameno," indicating that He and His words are infinite (without end), and by that we aimed to be like Him. If we're looking for proof of His existence, we might want to explore all of His greatest creations.
Theme: Abide, Wait, Tarry (Greek)
Speaker: Dom Soriano
Summarized by: Bible Education Center - CDO
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