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BEC News Letter

October-December 2018

Truly, the Lord is looking for workers in his vineyard “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” Matthew 9:38. We are called to

BEC News Letter


To cater the increasing number of visitors and Brothers and Sisters and with the intention of furthering the promotion of BEC’s preaching work, the Valencia City-BEC shop has been relocated last September to a better and more strategically located site, situated in one of the main roads of the city

BEC News Letter

1st Quarter

“CHOOSE YOUR ETERNITY” With every decision we are making, we must to choose wisely. This is the word of Prophet Elijah when he spoke to the people to choose between the God of Israel or Baal. If they will chose to follow the God of Israel they choose their eternity. This was the theme of this year’s Mindanao/ Visayas
Christadelphian Youth Circle (MCYC) Summer Bible Camp 2018 held last April 16-22, 2018 at Camiguin Island Philippines...

BEC News Letter

2nd Quarter 2018

This was the theme for this year’s Sunday
School Teachers’ workshop conducted last June 22nd- 24th, 2018 at the Cagayan de Oro (CDO) Ecclesial Hall. Over 60 Sunday School teachers from Mindanao, the Visayas and Luzon Ecclesias participated. “I teach what Jesus taught” is a phrase that requires commitment from our
dedicated band of Sunday School teachers who freely give their time to teach the lessons from
the Bible....

BEC News Letter

4th Quarter

With every decision we are making, we must to choose wisely. This is the word of Prophet Elijah when he spoke to the people to choose between the God of Israel or Baal. If they will chose to follow the God of Israel they choose their eternity. This was the theme of this year’s Mindanao/ Visayas Christadelphian Youth Circle (MCYC) Summer Bible Camp 2018 held...

BEC News Letter

3rd Quarter 2017

God inspires us to be leaders who by faithful service can influence his people positively & support and encourage the flock entrusted to us; to be an example in both word and deeds and use our God-given gifts to develop teamwork..

BEC News Letter

2nd Quarter 2017

During Christ’s ministry, there were many challenges to be faced, not only from his Jewish and Gentile listeners but also from the Jewish authorities as well. Today, many of those who believe and accept the call of the gospel face similar challenges and opposition from religious authorities and even their ...

BEC News Letter

1st Quarter 2017

Summer is one of the most exciting seasons enabling us to spend time together with our family and friends. Whatever it is and whenever it is, we need to consider how grateful we are for having this season. As people of God, we can learn lesson of Christ’s parable to discern..

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